Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Thanks to "66 Square Feet" for posting this quote:

"I know it's a great temptation to go mad, but don't go in for it, you wouldn't like it."
                                                           ...George Eliot, Middlemarch...

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

God dislikes a vacuum...

I think that on his way to the Rainbow Bridge on August 6th due to a poisonous snakebite, our Bubba cat, "Mirage",  (note the markings)

had to send his spirit back for just a minute to flip the "VACANCY" switch on the barn roof.
Before he left us, we had seen a shadowy figure slinking around the barn and the back yard.  God does know what he's doing.  Hubby started putting cat food out in several places.  Last night, she decided to turn on the "NO VACANCY" sign.  I was sandpapering a piece of art and realized who was meowing at me.  It took about three minutes for her to decide we needed a replacement.  I couldn't keep her far enough away from me to take good pictures!  *lol*  She likes to tuck her head in my elbow and stick her paw out to make "air biscuits"...*knead knead*!
And no, she's too young to be his offspring...he was neutered 9 years ago, but when he arrived back in those days, he was as thin as she is right now.  We believe she's about 9 or 10 months old...maybe a year old.  Taking her to visit daughter vet tech tomorrow or Friday for tests and to be spayed.  "Marigold", house cat, has decided she feels the same way she did with Bubba...*GRRRRRRRRRR*!  Gonna have to get over it!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Zen Habits...

 ~ The Beginner’s Guide to Zen Habits ~

      "Smile, breathe and go slowly."
                                                            ~Thich Nhat Hanh~

Thursday, September 16, 2010

21 Secrets! A workshop...

The absolutely amazing 21 SECRETS goes on sale MONDAY!!!! Wahoo!!!
21 Artists :: 21 Art Journaling Secrets :: One Inspiring Playground

Videos galore!
More downloadable .pdf's than you'll know what to do with!
And even mp3's!

I want to learn some *BIG SECKRETS* from:

Because she is one FEARLESS teacher
Who will enable you to put your fearless ART onto paper!

Because her mind sounds SO interesting
And Paula will teach you to open doors and windows into your soul!

Who is going to keep you looking in cabinets for
household supplies to use as wonderful art journal HELPERS! won't believe who else is teaching these classes!
Just think about it...*TWENTY-ONE* fantabulous *ARTISTAS*!
Check it quick...don't miss one single secret!

Wednesday, September 08, 2010