Monday, February 14, 2011

Love Day Celebration!

It is the day of love!  I love my journal.  Today I'm making my Valentine's Day shrine to celebrate.  It's going to be similar to this one in shape:
I'm cutting out my own pattern and  I have a drawing I might transfer to it along with some special paper to use for the background.  It may even have a quote that I'm particularly fond of.  I hope I can post it here before Friday.  It will become part of my inspiration to begin each day.

Most of all I'm celebrating with Connie at Dirty Footprints Studio!  My life has certainly changed this year because of becoming a part of her groups.  I offer anyone my advice to sign up for the next class that you can.  It's worth every penny~!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

What did I do today? Anybody remember? was the getting up at 5 a.m. to go to Nashville with Hubby that made me forget.  He had to have was a much longer word than that....but they took a close look at his hiatial hernia and all the damage from years and years of indigestion.  Didja know that can cause cancer?  Welp, what doesn't cause it nowadays?  The doctor showed us where the area in question was and that he had biopsied it.  He'll have to do the test every two years from now on.  I have to have a colonoscopy about that often since my dad had colon cancer and I have had polyps removed already.  Bah Humbug!

The good thing about this whole trip is that he's in a study at Vanderbilt Hospital that might yield results for others years from now!  It's just a 24 hour test and the poor man is wired up like a robot, but he's being such a good patient...just a wee teensy bit grumpy. 

I was nice to my dental receptionist today!  That's what I did good!  I actually forgot to call her back.  *evil chuckle*  But when I received her call I made an appointment to use up some of that money the insurance overpaid them!  *rolling on the floor...with tears in my eyes*  Now why did I do that?????  Hahaha

Tiger horse wants to know where his pasture went last night?  But he looks cozy anyhow.  He isn't growing a lush winter coat, so when it dips into the low temps at night we let him have his "binky".  Uh...yep...that's 5 to 6 inches of snow and more to come on Thursday, I think.  Just what Nashville needs after the floods last year!

Monday, January 10, 2011

For the want of a nail, the shoe was lost...

...and so on....
All I needed was ONE simple rubber band.  Sounds easy enough.  Two hours later I had a bag full of them, a box full of the most unnecessary crap on the face of the earth and an empty drawer in the kitchen!  Yes, you're right, the evil "junk drawer" know, the place you find string, paper clips, a glue stick, the card from the plumber you called five years ago, assorted fridge magnets you took off when you got the new fridge, etc.
Gone...all gone, except for the goodies that had a place to live.  They're where they belong now.
I gotta say, there's a new sense of humility in me lately.
Six inches of snow outside this morning.  How crisp and beautiful it is.
The aroma in the kitchen is awesome now too.  I'm making my favorite "camping meal"....Lite (with chicken in it, don't tell hubby) Smoked Sausage, potatoes, onion, carrots, a wedge of cabbage along with herbs on hand, a splash of wine and some pepper and chicken bouillion granules....wrapped up tidily in aluminum foil and thrown in the hot coals (or a 350 degree oven) for an hour or so. :)

Sunday, January 09, 2011

New egg in California~

True to form, our lady owl has added one more egg to the first clutch of the year.  The next one should be added on January 11.  Oh...that one will be 1-11-11s egg~ *grin*
For those of us who watched and waited through all their offspring of last year, this is so exciting!  Doing the happy dance! "ONE" for yesterday was added to at bedtime when I spilled a whole cup of coffee all over the end of the bed (decaf at art time) all over my drawing board, and every project and magazine...along with the piles of books and magazines that had accumulated on the cedar chest!  &)^$#)_*I+*( with help from Hubby Dear), it turned into the three dreaded piles:  keep, trash, give away.  Now it's not over, but at least they're in neat boxes awaiting the next trip.  Yaaaay me....thanks to clumsiness I "WON"~!

Saturday, January 08, 2011

Barn Owls of Starr Ranch...

We have just been blessed (on camera) with the first egg of 2011 at Starr Ranch Audubon Sanctuary!  She should lay a clutch of, oh, four to seven eggs, laying one every two days until brooding the clutch begins.  It's a fascinating thing to be able to watch online.  Sometimes not so happy as the survival rate for the owlets is not 100%, but you do get to learn so much about Barn Owls there.  I send warm wishes and many thanks to Pete and Sandy who have a lot to do in managing the Sanctuary for the Audubon Society! 
The nest is a natural cavity in a eucalyptus tree, also visited by velvet tree ants, honeybees, and a variety of other birds just passing by.  This is the female bird and they mate for life.  The male will hunt for her and all the owlets when they're born.  Both of them are in the nest during the day. 

Thursday, January 06, 2011

Did I mention...?

The idea of "ONE" is absolutely great!  Anybody can do it...even one teeny-tiny-itsy-bitsy thing...and guess what?  You have "WON"!  I extended it from a house cleanup to just one Random Act of Kindness and I have truly doubled my pleasure!

No, today it was only "Hank" the Labrador Retriever...

But the "one" thing that happened let me know I helped a sick dog have an easier day.  He was on the x-ray table looking miserable with his IV and a tummy full of barium.  Daughter, the vet tech, asked me to roll my chair in there while visiting and to visit with him for a while.  It helped.  He didn't throw up, just gave me a very polite burp and stayed quiet the entire time.  "Thanks Auntie Em!"I think I heard him say!  Gee, makes me feel so "vettish" when I can do that.  *LOL* {Follow up on Hank:  Glad I wasn't there...he *ahem* passed a sock* that evening.  They operated...found several more socks that weren't going anywhere...the vet took them out.  Now you know where some of those solo socks go that the clothes washer (uh, dog)  might have eaten~!}

It was therapy day, so that became the gift to me.  I wish I could live my life without needing it.  I went so many years without it.  Did I mention I hate being allergic to Metformin?  That's what started the downhill fall this time that led to the pit of depression. *sigh*  Some good must come from simply must!'s hubby...the pet bed/lap therapist:

Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Today a bathroom...tomorrow the world~!

*LOL* Who am I kidding?  But I did clean the second bathroom's sink today...a chore I have not tackled in quite a while.  You have that bathroom cleaner in your hand, the other bath is not far away.  Why not give it a schpritz or two or more....grab those paper towels on the way.  Yeah~

And for myself, the other "won" was the file cabinet next to me.  Not the most inspiring thing in the world, but certainly better than it used to be!  And that cedar candle in the back smells so good!  A little "owl" shaped rock fits perfectly in the "Dorothy and Toto" tin.
PS: I thanks to daughter I let hubby be a big boy and take care of his problems all by himself.  Not letting myself worry about it.  Good for me!

Tuesday, January 04, 2011

The usual suspects...

...what can I say...I run inside feeling the freezing effects every time I feed that doggone turkey!
Shameless plug for something that actually works!  I bought a little sample tube in Walgreens of Curel Targeted Therapy Foot Cream.  The tube says:"Noticeably smoother, softer feet in two nights."  I'm astonished!  My feet are actually rid of the stocking snagging, rough, cracked heels!  How can this be?!

Won another day...

Jehovah's Witnesses started my day.  No offense, but we're not interested.  I was more pleasant than usual and even shared a good word with them..."WON"!  Running late to art club, a friend needed a special hug and I was happy to oblige.
Passed out five Hobby Lobby coupons today in class and in line at the store and used my own to buy the "Dimensional Magic" by Mod Podge that Emily showed us.  Looks easier and almost the same as acrylic epoxy mixing and pouring.
Not the best day in the world.  Hubby upset with primary care physician...for good reason.  I'm not going to take that problem on as my own.  Best way for me to be content and not upset. I should have, in ten minutes I had a picture framed (half price) at Hobby Lobby that I meant to do months ago.  It is unusual art for me and I was tentative about framing it.  Best of all, unlike others I've had framed, it fit perfectly! *lol*  It's a combination of several contour drawings in various angles painted with acrylic.

Monday, January 03, 2011 her address... for the rest of it:

Searching becomes "won"...

While searching for my friend's snail mail address, (which I lost when computer crashed and also threw away envelopes)I found my #1 item for the day. The neatly arranged top of the file cabinet next to me. ~ick~
I'm working to restore it to its former least to a nice "inspirational" space anyhow.
I will call my friend to find her addy. *lol* She will laugh at me.

Sunday, January 02, 2011

An unintentional "one"...

While trying to move a loaded bookcase just a wee bit,(note to self: Unload books first.) hubby and I dumped that sweet little tray full of all the teeny-tiny beads I had been working with. It's amazing how far they can bounce on carpet! Finally...contained at last.
Takes care of the "ONE" for today for myself. When I get that corner of the bedroom straightened up, I'll do a RAOK for someone else today.
AHA! For my good friend Gradie in KY:
And one more good deed for "Lucy Lu" the only wild turkey brave enough.

Saturday, January 01, 2011

1-01-11 Good day to begin my "Won" year...

I wrote "one" letter thanking the company for a pharmacy staff that is simply outstanding. I'd put it off for a long time.

And...I began organizing files and transferring them from my old computer to my laptop. I even installed "one" copy of Paint Shop Pro!

I think I should add a picture of the number one feline in the house: