Monday, January 27, 2014

One Secret...

Surgery again...

Tender skin from all the paper tape and Band-Aid's I've tried using when I had to keep gauze in place.  Tomorrow, Dr. Higdon has to close up these two doggone leftover unhealed spots.  Not sure how well it is going to work, the surrounding skin is fragile and needs to be recut and sutured.  Did I say they hurt too?  Just gimme a bullet to bite on and I will be fine!

Wings to fly...

Friday, January 17, 2014

Word for 2014...

It has been difficult to choose a word to use this year as my goal. 
I've chosen "work" this year.
I need to do this to bring my body back into correct form since my surgery.  I want my house in order.
I want to de-stash the yarn and give to Project Linus and Chemo Caps. 
I want that stall in the barn fixed correctly and  back doors on the barn. 
It makes me hungry to think of my compost bins and using the one Santa Claus gave me that rolls to make quick compost and grow at least a few veggies. 
I'll fight the battle with the deer to grow a few flowers and keep a hot-wired fence up. 
Little things, big things, mental things, physical things. 
Yes...they all need work!

Wednesday, January 08, 2014

Is my blog really working again?

2014...the New Year brings with it a chance that I can post and upload pictures again. (Not that I really believe it.)

In any case, I wish you all a Happy New Year.  I'm trying to settle on my "word" for the year.  Last year it was "favor"...and I think I kept to it by sharing favors with various friends and charities all through the year.  It's following me along into this year as I have finished 4 Project Linus blankets and have started a comfort shawl and a hat for the homeless to give to the policewoman up the road.  She can share it with some cold child, I hope.

My horse has decided he likes my morning treats in his little bit of grain.  Not every day, but when it's this cold (-7.5 F. two nights ago that's -21.9 C.) I give him a warm mash with applesauce, bran, bits of carrots, a couple of crushed peppermints, and an assortment of other goodies,  I'm trying to improve his water intake.  He hangs out all day away from the barn and the water tank with his paint girlfriend next door and forgets to drink enough.  He also is the pickiest hay eater I know.  This year we have beautiful hay instead of the rough stuff we used to give him to keep him from losing weight.  "Phooey on your alfalfa strands, timothy bites, and lespedeza!"

We're havin' a heat wave today so the barn cat gets to actually go to the barn! (not that she hasn't wanted to)  I got tired of the "let me out...geeeeesh it's cold...let meow back, that bird looks tasty, open the door again...uh...shiver...please let the puddy tat back in the house.  Three days ago I fluffed up her bed and told her I couldn't unlock the back door.

The big guy is retiring soon...real soon...this will be the fourth retirement for him and the LAST!  YAY!