Saturday, July 17, 2010

Fabric Journals

These quilted fabric journals were a joy to make.  Just work on one little pillow at a time and put them all together at the end.  Most of them are not finished yet.  Some will have watercolor pages, others will have lightly padded quilted art pages.

Much gratitude to Teesha Moore for her wonderful set of four videos that started me on my way.

Teesha, I did try a different method for adding the fringe.  I hand-sewed bits of fabric (and yarn) to the edge of the front of a journal.  Once it was all layered in place, I carefully cut it into fringe.  I think it will work just fine.


Kym said...

These journal covers are GORGEOUS. I saw Teesha's videos on that topic too. You took that information and really ran with it. Absolutely lovely!

Emma said...

Beautiful! This is so impressive. I love the leaves!

sersk said...

WOW!! They all look fantastic. Beautifully done!

Tracie said...

Auntie Em! Your fabric journals are fantabulous!!!

Auntie Em said...

Oh dear, I'm so sorry your posts didn't show up till now. Sheila had to remind me I had to approve them first! *DUH*

Thank you all so very much. I sent Teesha an e-mail about them too. :)

Lis said...

OMG - Auntie Em! These are just so absolutely amazing and beautiful and if you ever are cleaning out space for more journals and want to send one my way, well ... I just couldn't refuse! :) Seriously, these ROCK ... I am partial to the butterflies and the one right about it.

You are BIG in paint and in fabric ~

much love xo Lis

teesha said...

I LOVE it when people see an idea and then do their own thing. That is where the creativity really comes in and is what is so gratifying to each individual artist. What you have made here is fantastic and I'll probably play around with your fringe idea the next time I make one. thanks for the shout out.