Friday, January 17, 2014

Word for 2014...

It has been difficult to choose a word to use this year as my goal. 
I've chosen "work" this year.
I need to do this to bring my body back into correct form since my surgery.  I want my house in order.
I want to de-stash the yarn and give to Project Linus and Chemo Caps. 
I want that stall in the barn fixed correctly and  back doors on the barn. 
It makes me hungry to think of my compost bins and using the one Santa Claus gave me that rolls to make quick compost and grow at least a few veggies. 
I'll fight the battle with the deer to grow a few flowers and keep a hot-wired fence up. 
Little things, big things, mental things, physical things. 
Yes...they all need work!

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