Sunday, January 09, 2011

New egg in California~

True to form, our lady owl has added one more egg to the first clutch of the year.  The next one should be added on January 11.  Oh...that one will be 1-11-11s egg~ *grin*
For those of us who watched and waited through all their offspring of last year, this is so exciting!  Doing the happy dance! "ONE" for yesterday was added to at bedtime when I spilled a whole cup of coffee all over the end of the bed (decaf at art time) all over my drawing board, and every project and magazine...along with the piles of books and magazines that had accumulated on the cedar chest!  &)^$#)_*I+*( with help from Hubby Dear), it turned into the three dreaded piles:  keep, trash, give away.  Now it's not over, but at least they're in neat boxes awaiting the next trip.  Yaaaay me....thanks to clumsiness I "WON"~!

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